Tips on Simplifying eBook Creation

20 Mar

If you have never created an ebook before, the idea of doing so can be quite overwhelming. In reality though, it is very straight forward and does not have to be overwhelming at all.

We tend to think that ebooks are digital versions of books and though that is technically true, an ebook can be a lot shorter than any book you’ll find at a book store. In fact, some of the best ebooks I have ever purchased – were no more than 6 pages long.

Some of my best ebooks were under 10 pages long. So, it doesn’t really make a difference how long it is, as long as it has the goods.

The fact of the matter is, you don’t need filler content in ebooks. Just get straight to the point, say what you want to say and then move on to the next point. Sometimes saying less is saying more.

Another great way of writing ebooks, is through blogging. I know some people who write books like that – one chapter/blog post at a time – until they have written all chapters. Then they compile the posts and turn them into a book. Pretty cool and very straight forward in my opinion.

The same method could work well for ebook creation.

Outline what the guide needs to all cover, and then write a blog post about each of the topics and before you know it – you got all the material you need for the ebook you dreaded creating.

Once you got all the topics covered, all you have to do is add it to a text editor like MS Word and then organize it all nicely, and once done, export it as a pdf. Just like that!

And that’s how you can very quickly turn an idea into a completed ebook. It really is very straight forward.

Pretty cool, huh?

Creating an ecover to go with the ebook is just about as easy. More on that in this review post here!

Konrad Braun

I'm an entrepreneur at heart & have been a full-time internet marketer since 2009. I specialize in SEO & affiliate marketing. I married the most amazing woman I ever met & travel the world with her. I love my life!

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